PowerShell Script – VMware vCenter CVE-2021-21972 Scan Tool

In this post, I am releasing a PowerShell POC script that will scan the specified target hosts and attempt to detect those that are vulnerable to VMware vCenter CVE-2021-21972. You can find the script, Invoke-CVE-2021-21972-Scan.ps1, on my github here: https://github.com/robwillisinfo/VMware_vCenter_CVE-2021-21972 Continue reading

PowerShell Script: Find the largest files and folders for any drive

Update – 04.06.2021 – I have an updated version of this script that is a little more flexible and has better output, you can find the new script here: /2021/04/powershell-script-quickly-find-the-largest-files/ This is a super easy to use and flexible PowerShell Continue reading